Sunday, July 24, 2011

Solo Pear Completed

We took some time and went to the beach this past week.  It was a nice relaxing break.  I took my pear with me and had the best of intentions to get it finished but I just couldn't do it.  I got involved in a couple of mystery novels and couldn't put them down.  I only ever get to read while at the beach.  I think it is the only place I don't get distracted by other things.   

We got back early yesterday and I once again had inspiration to get back to the pear piece.  I was able to finish it up this morning.  I do most of my work in the morning as I am fresher, and the morning light in my studio is the best.

So, here it is...


  1. Thanks, S.S., it's a favorite red spot of mine I call "Lobster". I thought it added pop as a background in this case. Kind of a contemporary edge.
